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Bitterroot Intergroup OA

Bitterroot Intergroup (BIG) provides support to OA members and groups within our area.  This site contains information about OA retreats and events happening within, or sponsored by Bitterroot Intergroup.

Sending representatives to Region 1 Assembly and OA World Service Business Conference (WSBC) is an essential and expensive function of Intergroup.  Attending retreats is a great way to support your recovery and the intergroup.


The 2019 budget for a representative to attend WSBC is approximately $1,500-$1,700 and Region 1 Assembly around $500-$800 (combined total of $2,000- $2,500).  Our meetings' 7th Tradition donations average around $600 annually.  This isn't sufficient to cover the annual travel costs of our Delegate and Representative to attend these business meetings.  If we don’t supplement our income by hosting events i.e. "fundraise", we can’t afford to fully participate in OA.  The group contributions and retreats are the only sources of income our intergroup has.  If we solely rely on group contributions, it would take 2-3 years to save enough funds to send one person to WSBC and one to Region 1 Assembly. 


There are many examples throughout our fellowship that support group efforts to raise funds - Region 1 hosts their convention which raises money for the operating budget and helps carry the message.  Many groups worldwide host workshops or retreats for the same purpose.  If we assume our group contributions hold steady at $600 a year, then our retreats or prudent reserve get used to make up the difference.  If internal financing efforts and sources fall short, then we can ask for assistance from Region and/or WSO. 


Our meeting membership base is strong enough to generate the income needed for sending representatives each year, by hosting retreats and through group donations.  The advantage of a retreat is it provides a direct infusion of funds that aren’t also needed by groups for things like rent or literature.  The goal isn’t to ‘make money’; it is to raise the funds necessary to do our part for OA.  Plus, having retreats is a fun and helpful way to carry the message.  The money it generates alleviates additional financial burden on groups, is more predictable than group donations and gives us the ability to be fully self-supporting and do our part for OA.

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